What Is Node.js? Complex Guide for 2023

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Node.js is a popular server-side platform widely used by organizations for app development. Technically, Node.js is an open-source cross-platform environment based on JavaScript. It includes multiple libraries that allow developers to create server-side applications. This blog post is a brief introduction to the topic, which will let you keep your information up to date for 2023.

What is Node.js - in simple terms

Since Node.js uses asynchronous and event-based models, you can use it for building data-intensive applications. In simple terms, Node.js is appropriate for apps that require processing large volumes of datasets.

It allows you to develop scalable programs that are usually fast. The framework blocks rarely and gives you the best performance on a limited budget. If you’re looking for Node.js development services and an experienced team of developers, be sure to get familiar with our offer.

What are the key features of Node.js?

Node.js follows a single-threaded event loop model and supports asynchronous processing. It works on JavaScript runtime programming language and runs on the Google V8 engine. The framework is used to build single-page applications that are data-intensive in nature.

Some of the key features of the Node.js platform is that it is

  • Asynchronous
  • Single-threaded
  • Event-driven
  • Highly scalable
  • Performance driven

What is Node.js used for?

Since the framework uses an asynchronous, event-driven approach, it is ideal for building apps that store, process, and execute large datasets. It can be used for developing networking apps, general-purpose applications, real-time web apps, and distributed systems.

Since the Chrome V8 JavaScript runtime platform is the development base for Node.js, rapid code execution comes complementary. Moreover, C++ helps compile JavaScript codes into machine codes, which makes it even more performance-centric.

Express for node.js

Express.js is a flexible Node.js supplication framework that includes and delivers a wide set of competitive features helpful in developing industry-grade mobile and web applications.

Express is one of the most popular Node.js frameworks that provide a mechanism to write handlers for requests with varied HTTP verbs.

Node js NPM

The NPM program downloads automatically on your computer when you install Node.js. it is a package manager exclusive to Node.js modules and packages.

NPM is a command-line tool for dealing with an online repository for publishing open-source Node.js projects that supports package installation, version management, and dependency management.

Its primary function is as an online repository for open-source Node.js projects. Numerous Node.js libraries and programs have been published on npm, and a large number more are being added every day.

Other popular Node.js frameworks and tools

Every web-application development technology offers developers some kinds of frameworks and tools to simplify and accelerate the development process. Node.js is no exception. Some of the most popular and widely used Node.js frameworks include:


Next.js is an open-source web development framework that is developed on top of Node.js. it enables React-based application functionalities including static website generation capabilities, and server-side rendering to name a few.

Next.js is a JavaScript framework that enables you to build fast and user-friendly static websites and web applications using React. Thanks to Automatic Static Optimization, “static” and “dynamic” have become one.This feature allows Next.js to build hybrid applications containing server-side rendered and statically generated pages.

Next.js is widely used by the biggest and most popular companies worldwide, like Netflix, Uber, Starbucks, and Twitch. It’s also considered one of the fastest-growing React frameworks, perfect to work with static sites – which has been the hottest topic in the web development world lately.


Socket.io is a JavaScript library that developers use for building real-time applications. It also helps establish bi-directional communication between the web server and the client. Chat integration apps such as WhatsApp can be an ideal example.

Although initially supporting NodeJS on the server and JavaScript on the client, the Socket.io client currently supports a wide range of server and client technologies, including Java, Python, Swift, and Kotlin, both as part of the official code base and contributed by an active community.

You can use Socket.io to construct a wide range of applications that rely on message exchange, including notifications, file-sharing, multi-user collaboration, real-time analytics, and instant messaging.


Developers need to use NPM to install Gatsby along with dependencies. With the NPM package manager, you can easily update and install packages and modules required for a seamless web application development process.

Additionally Gatsby provides a wide variety of APIs for site builders and plugins. The code in the gatsby-node.js/gatsby-node.ts files is executed once during the creation of your website. Its APIs can be used to dynamically generate pages, contribute data to GraphQL, or react to development lifecycle events.


If you are looking for a JavaScript-specific Node.js framework, try Meteor.js. The tool is an isomorphic, open-source, and JavaScript web framework that allows for building cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, and desktop devices.

Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript framework used to create cutting-edge web and mobile applications. Meteor comes with a build tool, a selected collection of packages from the JavaScript as well as Node.js community, and a crucial set of technologies for creating connected-client reactive apps.


Sapper, powered by Svelte, is an application framework that allows developers to build bigger apps. Flexible filesystem-based routing capabilities allow developers to build a beautiful app while delivering a seamless development experience.

Sapper is a web application development framework offering a beautiful environment with configurable filesystem-based routing. Unlike single-page apps, it doesn’t compromise on SEO, progressive enhancement, or the initial load experience; instead, navigating is instantaneous for that app-like sensation.


An MVC Node.js framework – Adonis.js is based on structural patterns that copy and replicate Laravel. The key features include outstanding support for web sockets, lifecycle dependency management, and speedy performance.

Adonis JS is a fully functional Node.js back-end framework. It develops API servers or dynamic data-driven web applications. HTTP requests, database searches, data validation, user authentication protocols, file transfers, email handling, and many other tasks can be handled using Adonis JS.


Fastify, as the name indicates, gives access to an efficient server and lower cost of infrastructure. It is highly performant and extensible. It is Schema-based and hence organizes the output in a manageable manner.

Fastify is a free and open-source Node.js web framework. It emphasizes excellent developer experience, low-performance impact, and a flexible plugin architecture. With a focus on performance, Fastify can handle currently handle 30,000 requests per second.


Node and Nx are known to work together flawlessly and seamlessly. If you are working on developing an open-source program with extensible data functions, Node and NX can be ideal picks.

With Nx, you can architect, test, and build your project at any scale using the most popular front-end frameworks, such as React and Angular, and back-end frameworks, such as Express or NestJs. To enable this, Nx ships with a robust toolkit that makes managing your Monorepo much easier.


A simple JS library with no prerequisites. It allows developers to seamlessly add web easter eggs just by reviewing and watching users’ behaviour. It is widely used by developers for creating apps that fit growing business needs.


Koa is one of the most significant Node.js frameworks that facilitate building web services such as highly-functional APIs. If you are familiar with Express, you might not find any difficulty using this framework as both are similar.

Koa is a new web framework that aspires to offer a more compact, expressive, and reliable base for web applications and APIs. You may eliminate callbacks and improve error-handling with Koa by utilizing its async functions. Since Koa’s core does not include any middleware, it offers a handy array of techniques that make creating servers quick and enjoyable.


A progressive Node.js framework that allows developers to build dynamic and scalable apps. It offers complete flexibility as developers can use extensive packages of libraries. Moreover, it is a combination of object-oriented programming and functional reactive programming.

Nest. JS is a framework that helps build Node. JS server-side applications. The Nest framework uses TypeScript, allowing developers to build highly scalable and testable applications.


LoopBack is an open-source Node.js framework allowing users to create dynamic end-to-end REST APIs with little to no coding and obtain information from significant relational databases, MongoDB, SOAP, and REST APIs.

If you are looking for uninterrupted connectivity with a Node.js framework, you must try Loopback.io. It helps you create the best REST APIs in a minimal time frame. In addition, it allows seamless connectivity among multiple digital devices.


Strapi is a next-generation headless CMS that is open-source and gives you a content-rich experience. Self-hosted capabilities and highly customizable features make it one of the most preferred choices of developers. Strapi enables editors to effortlessly manage their content and distribute it everywhere while allowing developers to use their tools and frameworks.

A headless CMS is a content management system (CMS) that offers backend functionality, allowing content to be accessed via a GraphQL or REST API and shown on any device. The backend and frontend of a headless CMS are entirely separate. It allows you to create an API without knowing anything about the backend or databases.


Microservices are an architectural and organizational approach to software development where software is composed of small independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs.

In a microservice, every single program is separated from each other with their respective servers as well as databases. In this type of framework, a fault in a single module will not affect the functionality of the overall application.


Hapi is an open-source web development framework that developers used to develop high-profile APIs. You can build HTTP-proxy applications or websites integrating end-to-end code hygiene.

Hapi.js is an open-source Node.js framework (derived from Http-API) used to create robust and scalable online applications as well as application Programming Interface servers, HTTP-proxy programs, and webpages. Initially built by the mobile team at Walmart Labs to manage their traffic on occasions like Black Friday, which is unquestionably one of the biggest days for online shopping in the United States.


Node.js frameworks when used correctly enhance and advance the app-development process for developers. With rapidly evolving technologies and development methodologies, choosing the right framework is vital.

When you should consider hiring Node.js Development Company?

Developing a Node.js application includes numerous processes and procedures where you need to pick the best web development methodologies. Selecting the right framework is a vital phase as the developers need to analyse applications functions and features that meet the business objectives.

Hiring an expert Node.js development company like Scalo makes app development seamless from initiation to completion. We are a top software development company offering ready-to-use and custom solutions with an attractive, user-friendly frontend and feature-rich backend. We help clients all over the world step out on the digital market. We currently hire over 600 software developers, located in 4 development centers. For the last 15 years, we have been delivering reliable software to help our clients scale their growth with top-notch technology. Our bespoke software development services include a wide portfolio of user-centric solutions perfectly tailored to our clients’ needs. Reach out and find out more.

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